♥ 16 January 2019 ♥ ♥ 6:16 AM Wednesday ♥ Endless miracles lie in front of you. Be in the center of your heart, so that they may make themselves known. Walk the light-filled path in peace, as Spirit opens the door to whole new realities. Happy Gift All. Happy New Beginnings LOVE. I love and appreciate you all...with all that I AM. Just as we LOVE and appreciate your infinite Allness, Dear One. What light code do we need to experience, together, as one, now? "When we fill our heart with light, we give ourselves peace of mind. Fill yourself with LOVE to feel at one with Spirit's healing presence. Look for the Good and you will see that all is well. Count your blessings and watch them multiply--right before your eyes. Breathe, breathe, breathe..." I awoke to the sound of my own voice this morning--me saying, "Thank you", so this really resonates, everybody. Thank you for giving me the perfect message at the perfect time. Gratitude is the gift that never stops giving. This is so true. The sky can be dark and the winds can howl and the rain can fall in a torrent. Yet, even then, there is so much to be grateful for. Deep within the storm lies the promise of new beginnings. I really believe this. If I didn't, I could never do what I do. When you awaken in gratitude, how does it make you feel? Amazing. Peaceful. Joyful. Thanking the universe for blessing me with the miracle of another day is my favorite way to start a new morning. Has this always been the case for you? No, it hasn't. I can remember wanting to pull the covers over my head and praying for the day to be over. That was a long time ago. Yes, it was. Before I knew anything about awareness. I was in a deep sleep, then, afraid to open my eyes. I can't imagine what I missed while I was sleeping. You were a different you, then, and you were in a different place in your life. You did not understand things the way you understand them now. That experience gave you a spiritual gift--a lesson in expansion--the opportunity to move from your head to your heart to gradually embrace the miracle of a miracle mind-set. I LOVE how you always put a positive spin on things. It is all Good. Yes. Because it is all God. But unless we are where we can see the Good, we cannot see the God in things. The lower self sees things from the position of the ground floor. The Highest Self has a panoramic perspective. This means that it can see the illusion and the truth at the same time, and that it does not make either one of these things more important or more sacred than the other because it understands the value of both. It sees truth and illusion as one thing. And it sees this one thing from the perspective of interdimensionality. I lived on the ground floor for a long time, like I said. I was earth bound, bound by the imaginary chains I had unknowingly wrapped around myself, thinking I was protecting myself. From what? I don't know, really. Being afraid of fear, I think. I had this deep anxiety that followed me wherever I went. It's so hard to believe that really happened because I am so different now, but it did. Let's look more deeply into this anxiety so that you can see it for what it really was. Again, what were you so afraid of? I really don't know. Deep down, you do know, LOVE. Go deeply into your heart to breathe the energy of gratitude. Thank Spirit for all the experiences that allowed you to experience anxiety. Then, write down the first word that comes to mind as you embrace anxiety from a spiritual perspective. Empathy. Exactly. Empathy is what this so-called anxiety was based in. Your ability to sense and feel vibrations has always been one of your greatest gifts. But you did not see it that way at first. You did not see it as a blessing. You saw it as a curse. I can't tell you how many times I prayed for this gift to go away. How did you experience empathy as a child? I couldn't stand to feel pain of any kind because I felt it to my core and it was so difficult to experience that. It wasn't just people that I was tuned in to. I also felt deeply for animals and trees and even things I couldn't see. Sometimes I would walk into unfamiliar places and feel like I couldn't breathe for no apparent reason. Or I would tear up while talking to someone I had just met for the first time. I couldn't stand in a supermarket checkout line without feeling the life story of the person in front of me. I could go on and on. How else did your empathy affect you? I didn't like leaving the house. To me, home was the safest place in the universe. If I didn't have to step foot into the outside world, I didn't have to feel what I didn't want to feel. My empathy was always in overdrive. I didn't see it for what it really was. I saw it as a weakness, rather than a strength. Empathy arises from our inner knowing that the spirit of the oneness lives and breathes in the heart of our own soul. It is Spirit giving us the opportunity to express kindness, understanding and compassion to those who long to be heard, and to those who are hurting. Empathy is the light of the lightworker, and a gift for anyone who chooses to embrace it. There is a great awareness that flows from our willingness and readiness to step into the heart of an illusion to discover its true meanings. Truth has infinite angles. It goes on and on and on. Once you step foot into the center of your heart, truth is all you see, because the illusion fades in Spirit's light to reveal itself for what it really is. Empathy is something we are all born with. We all have this gift of LOVE that is meant to be given to others. But not everyone is aware that they own this gift. Some people unknowingly keep it in the dark. Some people know that it exists but are afraid to open the box. Some people open the box, only to close it again, fearing that it holds something to fear. I came into the world with that box wide open; I wore my heart on my sleeve. I remember my grandfather telling me that I needed to get a tougher hide. What happened after that conversation? Nothing. I tried to become less sensitive, but it didn't work, I didn't know how to be anyone else but me. Somewhere along the line, you made the conscious choice to learn how to be grateful for the gift you were given. It took a long time for that to happen but, yes, I did. Now that you are able to see your empathy as a gift, how has this changed your day to day experience? I celebrate it. My sensitivity is what allows me to hear all of you so clearly and to receive spiritual messages in so many different ways. It is also what gives me the wherewithal to recognize and reach out to those who are in need. I just reminded myself of something, something that affected me very deeply. Go on. A few weeks ago I had an experience at the supermarket. I was searching for something on a shelf and happened to notice a woman sitting in a wheel chair in the corner of the aisle. She was alone. And she was being very quiet. But my heart heard her silently calling out to me, so I walked down the aisle to see if she was OK. Her skin was very pale and she was short of breath. I knew she was struggling. "What can I do to help you?" I said to her. "Are you OK?" "I just came from the hospital," she said, barely able to get her words out. I had so many tests done and I had to take them without my pain pills." I put my hand on her shoulder to quietly offer her love and healing energy. "This always happens after I have my tests," she said. "I'm used to it by now, honey. I'm all right. It will pass." After being with her for a while to make sure she was really OK, I hugged her and told her that I would pray for her. As I started walking away, she called me back. "Thank you", she said, in a very strong voice. "And be blessed in all that you do." I hugged her again and thanked her for shining so brightly. She took my hand in hers, squeezed it tightly, and smiled. I walked away in tears. This experience was a powerful reminder for me to be grateful for the gift of empathy. Days later, you had an experience that offered you a different view of this gift. Yes. I was at the ATM at the time. My husband John was with me. After completing my transaction I proceeded to leave the bank with him. John was in front of me. I was behind him. A woman was entering the bank as we were leaving, so my husband held the door for her. I thought she had a good grip on the door, and I heard her say "Thank you", so I proceeded to follow my husband. But as I was walking out the door into the parking lot, I heard her whispering something, "Thank you" and something else. I didn't catch the last part. When we got into the car, something made me replay what I thought I had heard. "Oh my God, did she say what I think she said?" I asked John. ""If you think she said, "Thank you...sort of", you heard her right. I felt terrible because I always hold the door for people. And I am always grateful when someone holds the door for me. What did you do when you realized there had been a misunderstanding? The woman was long gone at that point, otherwise I would have apologized. But I still wanted to do something because I sensed that she was in pain, so I prayed for her. I prayed that she would appreciate the value of generosity, that this experience would serve as a reminder for her to acknowledge acts of kindness, and to always be kind to others. Then I thanked the universe for doing the same for me. This experience really had me thinking about things from a spiritual perspective. I started asking myself some questions. How often do I go through life halfheartedly? How often do I forget to focus on what is right in front of me because I am focused on something else? How often do I unknowingly say to the universe "Thank you....sort of?" It was your empathy that led you to a deeper understanding of this experience. What if you hadn't heard her words? What if you had continued on with your day without any awareness that you had been given a gift? Gratitude gives us the power to see things from a higher perspective. It lifts us into the light of the current moment where we can count all our blessings. It allows us to experience life from the standpoint of peace and joy. It fills us with the energy of more than enough, giving us the power to turn everything around. Gratitude is Spirit blessing us with the miracle of LOVE.
♥ 8 January 2019 ♥ ♥ 6:05 AM Tuesday♥ In the ever-expanding light of the infinite now, there are no starts or stops. LOVE flows into every thing, and every one, everywhere, all at once, without hesitation. There is no past. There is no future. There is only this moment--an invitation to grow and expand our inner-everything through the miracle of All That Is. Happy Present All. Happy New Beginning LOVE. I love and appreciate you all...with all that I AM. Just as we LOVE and appreciate your beingness. What messages of light do we need to expand, together, as one, now? "Spiritual Abundance is the never-ending light of your inner world--the whole of your ever-evolving being. Embrace the miracle of the real you. Ascend into the endless depths of your heart to find true peace and true joy; everything awaits you in the nothingness." And this one: "Only when we are full of light do we recognize the path to abundance. Miracles await you on the open road; step into your heart to take Spirit's hand." Every word speaks to abundance, opening message included. I love synchronicity. Synchronicity is abundance in itself, LOVE. It is the universe opening its heart to us through the miracle of divine timing. I've never looked at synchronicity that way before. When you think about it, not with your mind but with your heart, what insights flow into your being? I'm smiling now because this is a new door to walk through. Come in. The door is open. Thank you. When I see the word synchronicity, whether it is in my mind or on a piece of paper, it makes me happy because that is the flow of the universe--the divine dance orchestrated by Spirit that makes us aware of our interconnectedness with all things. Yes. It is the ever-present rhythm of the oneness that flows from each thing to every other thing. And if we are aware of it, if we choose to meld with it--our rhythms become one and a new dance is born. That is a lovely thought. Synchronicity is when things click into place without us needing to force them into position. It is a miracle. Yes. It is a miracle when you show up unexpectedly at someone's home because you sense that they need a hug. And they say to you, "Oh my God, I was just thinking about you. How did you know?" It is a miracle when you are humming your favorite song, and turn on the radio, and that song just happens to be playing in that moment, a song that holds a message your heart is meant to hear. It is a miracle when you are wondering how something is going to happen--how your dream is going to come together when so many pieces appear to be missing, and then the phone rings. It's the perfect person--someone who can help you see that all the pieces are right in front of you. I love synchronicity. Because you LOVE to dance. I will dance to anything that has a good beat. I once danced to the beat of a ticking toaster oven timer. Thomas was with me. He saw me tapping my fingers on the kitchen counter while my bread was toasting, so he grabbed my hand and started to waltz with me. I'll never forget that moment. We laughed the entire time. I almost burned the toast. Synchronicity is full of abundance, LOVE. We are in synch with the rhythm of the universe at all times--even when it does not appear that way; fear is what prevents us from feeling this ever-present rhythm. Any time we are in fear, we feel out of synch with everything, but the truth is, we are not. We are just in a state of not allowing; we are just forgetting to breathe. This is what makes us feel separate and apart from Spirit's life-giving breath--our forget-fullness. When we forget to breathe, we forget who we really are. When we forget who we really are, we forget that LOVE is all there is. This is when we start experiencing resistance--Spirit purposefully flowing us in a new direction to support our highest good. Unfortunately, in our light-challenged state, we see resistance as something negative--Spirit telling us "no." And we see "no" as the last word. And that word fills us with disappointment and dread because, now, all we can see is everything falling to pieces right in front of us. The spirit of abundance is ever-present. It is not something we need to search for anywhere other than within our inner self. Even then, we do not have to search for it for long--as long as we find our breath. Our breath will take us to all the inner abundance we need in any given moment. And if we stay in our heart while we are consciously drawing one breath after another, we will eventually reach a higher place, a place of better understanding, a place where we can see things more clearly. The more deeply we breathe--the higher we take ourselves into our heart; the more positive we are, the better we are able to see the bigger picture. Allowing is such a powerful thing. I never realized that until you invited me on this mind-bending, heart-expanding, soul-stretching journey. And it's such a simple thing. Yes. It is simple, but it requires discipline. That is something I needed to learn. I'm still learning. It doesn't come easily to me. You have developed a way to honor the spirit of abundance, through self-discipline, by making the conscious choice to take better care of yourself on all levels. And the universe has given you an abundance of positive energy as a result. I am so grateful. The strength training I do everyday is a carryover from the physical therapy I received as a result of the shoulder injury I had a couple of years ago. At the time, I could only raise my left arm so far. If I tried forcing it to go higher, I felt excruciating pain. The physical therapy helped me to re-discover my strength in more ways than one. There were moments when you needed to remind yourself of your inner strength. What kept you going when things got challenging? I'm smiling right now because I am picturing the gym in my mind. There were three posters in the room. Each one had an inspirational word incorporated into a beautiful, colorful design. I used the words as healing tools. What were the words? Courage, strength and believe. No matter where I was in that room, I always made sure that I was facing a poster. The word that was in front of me became my mantra for each session. As I was doing exercises to regain my strength, and expand my reach, I would focus on the word while silently chanting it in my mind. How did this challenge enlighten you with regard to abundance? I have the smallest shoulders in the universe, and I tend to carry the world on them. I have always been a caregiver. I have always had deep empathy for those who are suffering in one way or another. And I have always felt the weight of that to my core. Many times I have become ill from unknowingly taking on other peoples' stuff as if it were my own. When things got physical, when picking up the littlest things caused me great pain, I was forced to make some major changes. Your inner abundance was being affected by carrying others' vibrations. Deeply. I was experiencing lows that I hadn't had seen in years, sadness that wouldn't go away, no matter how hard I tried to dissolve it. But that sadness led you more deeply into the light of Infinite Intelligence. It did, eventually. I'm stubborn when it comes to seeking medical intervention. But the pain had become so bad that I had to get help. What happened when you did? A whole new world opened up for me. I met a group of physical therapists who were absolutely incredible. They loved their job and it showed in everything they did. The physical therapy changed you. It did. It changed me in ways beyond the physical. While the healing was happening, I was aware that other changes that were taking place within me at the same time. I was changing spiritually while I was changing physically. Each session invited me to open my heart a little more than the time before. I felt my soul stretching into new territory--willingly--without me kicking and screaming and wishing for the healing journey to be over. I celebrated all the things I was able to do, no matter how small they seemed. I saw each exercise as an exercise in ascension: climbing the tiny stairs on the wall with my fingers; raising a baton as if I was pretending to be a cheerleader; reaching for the ceiling while keeping both feet on the ground...I embraced every single stage of the experience, and the experience embraced me in return. How did it change your life? I do strength training almost every morning, like I said. It is a spiritual activity for me as much as a physical one, a way to release any vibrations I have unknowingly absorbed. I play music. I move my body to the sound of whatever happens to be playing on the radio, stretching my muscles as far as they will let me. It is a reminder for me to stay strong and be light at the same time. It is also an opportunity for me to consciously breathe with Spirit to expand my consciousness. Exercise is non-negotiable for me now. When I am not up to doing my strength training, I make sure to at least take a walk or dance or run up and down the stairs with my free-spirited cat... So your physical therapy experience evolved into a spiritual healing session? It did. Have you experienced any other positive changes as a result of this new found passion? Yes, I have. My channeling ability has expanded, and so has my awareness. I feel lighter than ever. I also have a much more energy than I did before. Abundance is a miraculous thing. Yes. The more we embrace it, the more it embraces us. It is all a matter of opening our heart and our mind as far as we will allow. It's a matter of allowing love. Exactly. LOVE is abundance. LOVE is full of everything we need. We cannot deplete it, for it never stops growing and flowing in all directions at once. It flows to us and through us to touch the spirit of the one, and the spirit of the oneness, at the exact same time. The more we LOVE ourselves, the more LOVE we have to give to others. The more we LOVE the oneness of it all, the more LOVE the oneness flows back to us in return. I can't stop smiling. LOVE holds the spirit of abundance and that spirit is alive and well within us. We must hold it in our heart and allow it to heal us, as it extends our reach, lifting us higher and higher into the miracle of oneness consciousness, where our awareness of what is, continues to expand ...with every breath we take. ♥ 5 January 2019 ♥
♥ 7:07 AM Saturday ♥ Now is the most miraculous time because now is the present, and the present holds infinite gifts. Now is LOVE--our moment of truth. Happy Present All. Happy New Beginnings LOVE. I love and appreciate you all..with all that I AM. Just as we LOVE and appreciate you ALLways. What transmission of light do we need to experience and expand now? These are such powerful words, and I am feeling a connection to them all. The first message is as follows. "LOVE is the poem that needs no words--the song that needs no music--light dancing with itself." The second one reads: "Peace is the path of no resistance." I feel peaceful already. Thank you. And I am laughing inside because it took me three tries to get the date right. First, I wrote April, then December...How funny is that? You would think I would be having issues getting acclimated to the new year. Time is immaterial, LOVE. So, no matter what you choose to write at the top of the page, it makes no difference in the grand scheme of things. April, December, January, July...2018, 2019, 2020...All is one, and one is all. LOVE is the time. LOVE is the date. LOVE is the season. And LOVE is our everyday greeting to one another. I remember writing the first message. It came as a surprise because, at the time, I thought I had nothing to write about. I remember sitting here with you in silence, staring at a blank page, waiting for something to happen. Nothing was happening, so I wrote down these words: "I guess you'll have to do all the talking today because I have nothing to say." Fortunately, listening is how I learn. Listening is how I allow myself to expand my definition of reality. Listening is how you allow yourself to get swept up into the nothingness of All That Is, which is where everything is. Yes. The now is full of timeless miracles. Every miracle unfolds in good time--God's time. Setting a date to the end product of the manifestation process is laughable because we are not in control of when something begins and ends. We are not in control of the manifestation process at all. We are part of it. We are at one with the process. We are the miracle through which miracles manifest themselves. But time is irrelevant to the process as far as Spirit is concerned. Because miracles manifest in timeless space. This is how they grow. This is how they expand. This is how they transform themselves from seed to sapling to full grown tree. The process happens in the invisible realm of infinite possibilities--where there is nothing but creative space--room in which the miracle in the making can continually breathe new life into itself, through the light of Spirit and the guidance of Universal Intelligence. Time is a man-made concept that orders our space. It breaks up our day into segments that do not really exist, for the benefit of who and what? How does the illusion of time enhance your quality of life? What would happen if you called a sunrise a sunset instead? What if night were day and day were night, and there was no such thing as an afternoon? In what ways would this affect you? Well, as a writer, I guess I would have a hell of a lot of creative freedom. I could call things whatever I wanted to call them. I could make up new words. You do that now. Fair enough. So if you took time away completely, what would that do for your daily experience, as far as LOVE is concerned? Think about how you feel when time is unimportant--when you have nothing planned for the day--when you are free to do whatever your heart desires and be wherever you desire to be. I don't even have to think about that one. I feel relaxed. Exactly. Your mind relaxes. Your body relaxes. Your mood is good. You feel this overall sense of well-being because you are balanced on all levels. There is no pressure on you because of a time constraint. There is no tension in you because there is nothing that needs to be done. There is a feeling of peace and joy that naturally flows through our being when we take time off the table. I never wear a watch. Why do you think that is? I used to think it was just laziness. But over the years I have realized that it is something more. Wearing a watch creates anxiety in me. It makes me feel rushed. It conjures the illusion that there is not enough time to do what I need to do. It messes with my mind. When I have appointments, I honor time. I have to. We all do. But when I am having a spiritual discussion with someone, and we are both flowing with the Divine--simultaneously melding with the limitless creative energies of the universe through the power of LOVE--time goes right out the window. Because you are at one with the flow, and flow has no need for time. Time constricts. So when you stop worrying about time, what happens? How do you replace your concern for time with the daily affirmation that everything is happening on time and on schedule to support the highest good of all? I remind myself that the universe operates according to divine timing. For instance, if a client needs to reschedule for a different time, I trust that it's for a good reason. Maybe they need to have more clarity with regard to a life challenge before we speak, or maybe they are not in the right place to receive spiritual guidance. If Thomas is late for school because he keeps silencing his alarm, maybe it's to prevent us from experiencing a problem on the road. I now see that there is a reason why things happen and don't happen--and it has nothing to do with the clock on the living room wall. This leads us into the second message. "Acceptance is the path to peace." Yes. When we are in a state of complete acceptance, we understand, intuitively, if not consciously, that everything is happening according to the divine and perfect plan that lies beneath the surface of physical reality. This means that we accept delays as divine timing, and that we understand that any other disappointment we experience is also derived from the divine. LOVE is not in need of any thing. LOVE is whole and complete in itself. LOVE knows how to transform itself. LOVE knows no time but now. When we accept this, when we believe this, when we know this, life changes for the Good. Any time we bring LOVE to the illusion of time, we give ourselves the power to see truths that are otherwise hidden. We see , from the viewpoint of our heart, why things are going the way they are going. And because we are able to see the spiritual side of things, because we are looking at things through Spirit's eyes, the illusion of time expands. Let's go back to a memory that taught you how to be playful with time. I know which one you are referring to: the dinner party. Yes. I was nervous because people were coming over for dinner, and although I had been cleaning the house all week, it needed a going over because the kids were being kids. I got up early to get things ready for the party because there was so much to do. I was so worried about how much time I had to work with that time started slipping by. An hour before everybody was expected to arrive, I started putting unnecessary pressure on myself. I was totally stressed out at that point, on the verge of having an anxiety attack, not exactly the state of mind one should be in when they are about to entertain guests. Anyway, I sat down for a second to catch my breath, and while I was breathing I heard these silent words: "Slow down, Robin. You have all the time in the world. Turn on the music, dance, and expect miracles to happen. " I got up from my chair, turned on some jazz , turned up the lights and started to dance while I set the table. I moved my body slowly and deliberately while carefully placing the plates, the silverware and the napkins. The phone rang during my slow motion dance. It was one of my guests calling to let me know she was going to be a half hour late. Moments later, I received another call from the other guest. He was stuck in traffic and was running about a half hour behind. I was relieved that I would have some time to relax. So you stretched time? That sounds so funny to hear you say that but I know that the way I responded to the self-created time constraint is what changed my experience with time. Exactly. You stayed present. You embraced the moment. You danced through the illusion of time and ended up with more time in the process. Do you see how we put pressure on ourselves by thinking about the time we think we do not have? Yes. This is what causes us to feel disappointment when we are planning on something arriving at a certain time and it ends up arriving at a different time, or in a different way, or not at all. Exactly. Time is an illusion that shrinks and stretches according to how we respond to what is. If we place our trust in our circumstances by having faith in the divine order of things, even when things appear to be "out of order", we allow our reality to breathe new life into itself. LOVE is all time. LOVE is day and night and every moment in between. LOVE is always making more of itself, always moving forward, always transforming itself into something more. This is what our focus must be on, not time--not the "thing" that has no basis in fact and is, in fact, invisible to our eyes, but the reality of the universe that flows and grows, upward and onward, inward and outward, forward and sideward...without any need, without needing anything but the miracle of its ever-expanding self. What were we talking about again? We were talking about the miracle that happens when we realize that we are not in need of time--that when we open our heart to the universe, the universe follows our lead. It really is a dance isn't it? It really is. We can choose to honor what is, trusting that everything is in divine and perfect order, no matter the time. Or, we can choose to believe that there is not enough time to manifest what we desire to manifest. The first option is our only option when it comes to living a life full of infinite possibilities where we can breathe our truth freely. The choice is ours. I choose LOVE. Shall we dance? |