♥ 27 December 2018 ♥
♥ 6:32 AM Thursday ♥ Oneness is our real identity, the trueness of our being that encompasses the miracle of All That Is. Embrace it to its fullest, and it will flow you to new dimensions, as you experience the meaning of universal interconnectedness though the power of unconditional LOVE. For it takes One to KNOWONE. Thank you so much, Everybody. I received the last line first thing this morning, the second I opened my eyes. Last night must have been a pretty wild ride. Of course, you will have to refresh my memory because I remember nothing. As long as you remember KNOWONE, we are good. Laughing. I LOVE and appreciate you all...with all that I AM. Just as we LOVE and appreciate your oneness, LOVE. What light transmission do I need to appreciate with you now? ( I'm opening "Spirit Unbound" here.) Wow. I have chills. These are passages that have never read me before. Read them both. By the end of our session, they will mean something more. OK...Here is the first message: "Change is good; you are in the process of healing your life. No matter how things look, remember that you are moving forward. Remind yourself that all is well." I'll give you the short version of the second one because there is a lot to it. Write down the words you feel drawn to. Go where your heart takes you. OK..."Every illusion we experience is Spirit in disguise; we must be fearless in order to see the truth that lies behind the veil..." I can barely write right now, and I have no idea why. KNOWONE. The energy of that word is flowing freely throughout your being, even though you have no conscious memory of it. For it speaks to universal knowing. It comes from a place of total awareness of what is--All That Is, in its smallest and grandest forms. It is the realization that LOVE is. It takes One to KNOWONE. Yes. When I wrote down those words this morning, so I wouldn't forget them, I combined the last two for some reason. I know there are no mistakes or accidents. And I also know that there was plenty of room on the page to separate the words. But, I didn't. Why? There is no such thing as separation, LOVE. If you look at any thing, you can find a connection to it, but you must be in the right place in order for that to happen. Rather, you must place yourself in your heart in order to allow yourself to allow. Allow... Do you feel the flow of that word as it is guiding your pen across this page? Yes, so much so that I am not even forming letters properly or creating space between words...which is why my handwriting is practically illegible these days. Honestly, when I go back to read what we have written together, I pretty much have to go by feel because it looks like a foreign language. A handwriting expert would have a hay day trying to decipher it. There is deep meaning in everything, LOVE. Interconnectedness is the ever-present truth of the universe which means that all things are operating under this law. Law sounds like a very logical word, and it may seem out of place here, but please bear with us. We have a point. You always do. I am listening. Everything in the universe is one thing. In an individual sense, our bodies are comprised of a series of things--systems if you will--that operate under Divine Intelligence. If you look closely at the systems of the body, you will see that they are full of wisdom and that each one is its own entity. But it doesn't stop there. Each system in the body works with every other system in the body. And each bodily system works in synch with the divine body of the universe. If you look at the world, what do you see? I see healing happening. Do you? Or do you see one big mess that is so enormous that you don't know which corner of the room to start cleaning first? I see opportunities for transformation. I see love behind the storms, the personal ones, the weather-related ones, the political ones... You are aware of the bigger picture, so that is where your mind goes. Your eyes see the light side of things because your heart is now centered in your mind. Laughing. One might say that I have lost my mind at this point. Yes. And that would be the highest compliment because it would mean that you are consciously creating your reality from the position of absolute limitlessness. I'll take the compliment. Thank you. Healing is happening in everything and everyone, everywhere. But we have to go deeply into our heart in order to see this truth. Because at the surface, it does not always look that way. Just as the human body is in perfect order, no matter its condition, so is the body of the world and the body of all worlds...for all is one. Healing is the natural process through which we allow LOVE to make more of itself. The more we open our heart to LOVE, the more LOVE we see. Our focus must be on healing at all times, no matter the appearance of any thing's physicalness. We are going to get personal with you now. Go for it. I'm an open book. Remember when you had a skin condition? Vividly. Rosacea. I consciously avoided mirrors whenever possible during that time. There was Divine Intelligence in that disorder. And that was the beauty of it. Eventually, you allowed yourself to see that. Yes, eventually. What did it look like? A butterfly--an enormous butterfly in varying shades of bright pink and deep red. And as you see that butterfly in your mind's eye now, what does it symbolize? Transformation. You healed the disorder yourself. I did. Because you realized it was an inside job. Yes, once I let go of my ego. And how did you heal yourself, LOVE? It wasn't easy for me to do, but I made myself look in the mirror so I could see healthy skin, even if it was only the size of a dime. I kept focusing on what I wanted to see, rather than what I saw. What happened when you started to believe that you were healing? All hell broke loose. My face looked terrible. Things got worse. How did you get through that? I had my moments. There were days I didn't want to leave my house because I was so self-conscious. But, after a while, I felt something starting to shift within me. I stopped worrying about how I looked and started to get curious about what I had let get under my skin. I knew that there was more to this disorder than what I could see at the surface. And I wanted to get to the core of that meaning, so I did whatever I needed to do to expand my awareness. And you focused on healing at the same time. Yes. I would look into the mirror and say to myself, "Robin, I know things look really bad right now, but you are healing. I would also do creative visualization whenever I could. I envisioned myself standing beneath a waterfall, ice cold water splashing against my face. When you stepped into the healing process, how did that make you feel? Calm. Loved. I felt this outpouring of unconditional everything that was based in the power of acceptance. The more I accepted myself "as is", the more I was able to accept my situation. Don't get me wrong, though. I never liked it. But I learned not to hate it. How? By loving away the fear--by loving myself through the stages of healing and transformation. It was the inner work that transformed your outer reality. Once you started to LOVE yourself, exactly as you were, you were able to relax into the healing process and feel at one with the flow of Universal Intelligence. Yes. That's how everything started changing for the good. My awareness shifted and expanded when I started loving myself, no matter what. Exactly. You were open, ready and willing to understand your circumstances from a higher position, even though you were in a great deal of emotional pain at the time. Yes. I knew that there was much more to it than what my eyes could see. I knew that I needed to express all the old, painful emotions I had unknowingly buried deep within me, all the old stuff that was preventing me from living my truth and realizing my dreams. I needed to remove the self-made mask that, simultaneously, concealed and revealed the truth. The healing process happened little by little over a period of many, many years. The mask fell away to reveal your true identity, once you were able to release the fears that had created it. Yes. And every fear I had was based in the mistaken belief that I was not good enough. While you were in the process of healing your face, you started changing your life. Yes. I recognized that the two were connected, that in order for my life to heal I needed to face the truth. Looking back now, it is so easy to see the transformation process clearly. Then, not so much. Awareness is what gives us the wherewithal to expand our experience of oneness. The more aware we are, the more oneness we see. The less aware we are, the more aloneness we experience. That is how I felt while I was experiencing this disorder without any awareness: alone. It takes One to KNOWONE. Transformation is happening to us all, in all ways, as we are in the process of laying down our masks to be our authentic selves. The temporary ugliness of upheaval and unrest is now slowly and deliberately giving rise to true beauty, as truth in all its goodness and greatness is coming to the surface of physical reality to make itself known. LOVE is continually making more of itself, even though it may sometimes appear otherwise. No matter how things look at the surface, miracles are unfolding beneath the ever-changing face of what is. This is all we need to remember. You are healing. We are healing. The world is healing, as the universe within and around us is expanding its wholeness and holiness to support the highest good of all. I AM that I AM. WE are that WE ARE...for we are One. It takes One to KNOWONE.
♥ 17 December 2018 ♥
♥ 6:09 AM Monday ♥ Miracles are flowing into your being, into your wholeness—into your inner-outer universe—making positive changes throughout your entirety. Embrace these changes, for the healing spirit of transformation is flowing through them. And this healing vibration, that is flowing through these changes, is also flowing through you, for you are at one with the spirit of all things. Celebrate your truth as the universe celebrates itself, for Good things are right in front of you. Thank you so much, everybody. I love and appreciate you all...with all that I AM. Just as we LOVE and appreciate your total Allness. What light code messages are we transmitting and expanding now? Breathe slowly and deeply as you allow LOVE to guide you to your answer. Ahhhhhhhhhhh...BIG transformational chills. I love when that happens. One of the messages is about fully embracing the gift of our new beginning---celebrating the entire journey, including all the bumps in the road, while we are in the process of finding our new path. The other one is about dissolving our self-created illusions by shining our inner light on what is. These are pretty big messages, everybody. Yes. They hold layers and layers of meaning for anyone who is experiencing transformation to the nth degree—that would include every single one of us. YES....It's possible to get so caught up in the details of “getting there” that we lose sight of the bigger picture, thinking we are lost. Because we try to make sense of the things that make no sense with the limitations of the logical/rational mind. I have never thought about it that way until now. Awareness is a miraculous thing, Dear One. Those of us who are aware of the manifestation process as it is unfolding itself, feel comfortable not needing to know the details of the divine and perfect plan. Unawareness offers us the opposite experience. I have been in both places, as you know. I would choose awareness over unawareness any time. Sometimes we are not aware that we are in a place of unawareness, Dear Heart. During those times, it is very difficult to trust the miracle manifestation process because we have lost faith in the divine order of things. When we lose faith in the power of LOVE, we lose our self-confidence because our inner compass is nowhere to be found--or so we think. Believing in ourselves during this highly important transformational time is key to experiencing forward movement in all respects. If we lose sight of who we really are, we cast our inner shadow on the bigger picture as well. We must remember that our inner and outer world are inextricably linked as one. If we do not believe in ourselves, if we forget our true identity, we are saying to the universe, "I do not trust you to take me to where I desire to go. I have no faith in the divine and perfect plan you have designed for me. I do not believe that you know the way to the realization of my dreams." This is a very small, fear-full space to be in, a place full of unanswered questions that keep multiplying for as long as we perpetuate the self-created darkness. So what is the answer, then? How do we pull ourselves out of this dark world we have unknowingly created so that we can see the light-filled path that will lead us to the realization of our dreams? Your answer lies in your question, LOVE. You allow yourself to dream. Dreaming is an act of creativity. It is magical and miraculous as it brings us to a place of positive and infinite possibilities. It is a childlike state of being that invites us to set miracles in motion--through the power of believing. This is our new starting place, where our free spirit can come out to play...where we are free to be our inner child and our Highest Self, at the same time. You just reminded me of something miraculous that happened yesterday. This may sound totally and completely unrelated to the conversation we are now having, and to the messages that have chosen me for now as well, but I feel a deep connection with all of it. Go on, LOVE. I have this beautiful shirt. It's gold and soft and I love how it feels next to my skin. I discovered a little hole it it, near the breast pocket. At first, I was just going to sew the tiny opening closed. But something stopped me from stopping there. Inspiration. Yes. That's exactly what it was. I have very few memories of my childhood, as you know. The mind is a powerful thing, and apparently, my mind used its power to protect me from remembering and reliving past events I would rather forget. But a memory managed to find me yesterday while I was holding this shirt in my hands, a memory sparked by a conversation I had had with my mom about a week before. For some reason we were talking about how much fun it is to be creative. My mom reminded me of a pair of jeans I had owned as a teenager. Rather than leaving gaping holes in the pant legs, I decided to patch them. And on top of those patches I decided to embroider colorful and intricate designs. I had forgotten all of that until my mom brought it up. I envy my mother's memory. She can recall every detail of her past with such clarity. For the most part, when I look back, all I can see is one big blur. Anyway, back to my miracle. As I was holding this shirt, for no apparent reason, a very clear memory slowly surfaced from the depths of my mind. I saw myself as a young girl. I was with my grandmother, "Nina". And we were at Woolworths picking out what would be my first embroidery hoop. In my hands were skeins of embroidery thread, the brightest, most beautiful colors I had ever seen. Nina told me to decide which colors I wanted, but I couldn't make a decision because one skein was as beautiful as the next. I was thrilled when she said I could have them all. When we arrived at her house, she sat down with me and taught me all kinds of stitches. Hours went by while I practiced, without being aware of the time. I was so caught up in the magic, then, that I am now wondering if I was in an altered state of consciousness, a different dimension. Yesterday, I felt my grandmother's presence while I was reliving this precious memory. As I threaded my needle, not knowing what I was going to create, and wondering if I could even remember how to do the stitches properly, I felt her spirit touching mine in a way that defies description. In that moment I felt guided to turn on the radio for inspiration, so I plugged it in and set the dial to the classical music station. I gasped the second I recognized the song that was playing because I had shared that piece on Facebook the day before, having no idea why. As I sat there listening to this healing music, I remembered it was one of the pieces my grandmother had introduced me to when I was little--Vivaldi's "Four Seasons." In fact, it was one of the songs I used to dance to, in the middle of her living room, with a colorful scarf draped over my head. At first I couldn't remember how to do any of the stitches. But as I tuned into my grandmother's spirit, memories started floating back. Then, my hand started moving and my needle started to push its way through the fabric. And, before I knew it, the little hole in the breast pocket had completely disappeared. Now, in its place, was a flower that looked as if it was dancing in the wind, multi-colored seeds exploding from its center in all directions. It was such a magical experience, being creative without knowing where I was going to end up, feeling comforted by the transformation process and at one with it at the same time. I love experiencing the joy of giving my imagination full reign, letting go of the reins and giving Spirit creative license. And you had the opportunity to visit with your beloved grandmother. Yes, Spirit blessed me with a miracle. Creativity is where you would to go to heal your "broken" spirit—how you began to mend the so-called holes in your wholeness and holiness. It was my favorite place to be, then. It still is. We are all on a magical and miraculous healing journey, Dear One, and we have all come so far from where we used to be. At the same time, we must remember that our inner child...the highest creative aspect of our being, still lives and breathes deep within, and still needs to be comforted, nurtured and fed.. For it is this divine aspect of ourselves that creates new ideas, new plans and, ultimately, new worlds. That is where my memory transported me, to a new beginning, the beginning of a new world. Your grandmother gave you a priceless spiritual gift, Dear One. She inspired you to be creative. She encouraged you to believe in yourself. She helped you to remember what we all need to remember...who we really are. ♥ 1 December 2018 ♥ ♥ 6:45 AM Saturday ♥ Divine truths flow from our heart when we place no effort on receiving them, for they are LOVE, as is everything else in the infinite oneness. Have no frustration. Have no doubt. Have no fear, and they will re-appear as new--right before your eyes. Thank you so much, everybody. What messages of light do we need to expand together now? Open the book. "The key to our well-being lies in our belief that the door to abundance is always open."...And this one: "When we look at life through Spirit's eyes, LOVE is all we see." (Spirit Unbound) Perfect. Yes, LOVE, Divine guidance always find us at the perfect time, and in a perfect way. I haven't heard those words in a long time. There is no need to hear them when you live them. I try my best. Interesting choice of words, Dear One. If you focus on the word "try", and hold its energy in your heart, how does it make you feel? Tired. (Laughing) Exactly. This is why we ask you to let go of all doubt when we are channeling truths together. This is the only way to flow divine healing energy back and forth and through and through. This is the only way to allow Infinite Intelligence to flow freely through your heart-mind--by being at one with the vibration you are allowing. That makes sense. Back to the messages that have chosen me today...I feel the connection between the two. God. Wow, I wrote "God" instead of "Good". I do that a lot lately. There is no separation between the two words, for the energy is the same. Goodliness is Godliness. It is interesting to me that when I write with you in this context--as a student with my teachers--I can listen and learn. I can hear your voices clearly, as if you are physically present. Yet, when I tried to learn things in school, I wasn't present most of the time. My mind wandered. My heart was somewhere else. I wasn't in the same room as my teacher. You were in a circumstance that challenged your ability to retain information in any sense. Yes, I was. My eye was always on the clock, not because I wanted school to end, but because I was afraid of what would happen to me when it did. Bullying was an ever-present thought in the back of my mind--not so much the physical aspect of it, not the pain I would incur as a result of being held down against my will while I was kicked and beaten and all those other things in between, but the verbal one, the part that I could keep saying to myself silently, over and over again, until I had it memorized. I have no idea why I just went to that memory. I don't usually go there. You were citing an incident where you felt learning-challenged. Yes. There is no challenge here. None at all. I feel the flow of your light and that allows me to hear your silent voices. I am so grateful to be able to hear all of you. That wasn't always the case. Actually, it was, LOVE. You have always been able to hear us. You just haven't always had the awareness that you have now. We have been speaking with you ever since you have been you and even before then. All I know is that when I was little I believed that real magic existed and that there was much more to truth than what appeared to be real. You have always believed in real magic, LOVE. Yes. How does this relate to the messages I received through the book at the beginning of our healing session? True abundance lies in the invisible realms of your depthfull heart. When you channel truths with us, that is what you are tapping into--this energy that just keeps expanding itself for as long as you lend it your breath. You garner new truths all the time by allowing the truths you know to flow. Those truths are full of dimensions and those dimensions are full of meaning. True abundance is the open door. True abundance is the space that flows seamlessly from our inner-outer world to all worlds. The universe just keeps expanding as we keep breathing, for the world within us and the world around us are one and the same. "The key to our well-being lies in our belief that the door to abundance is always open." Yesterday I had a challenge, channeling. I can't even write the word "channeling" right now without having to correct myself. Which is interesting, LOVE, because channeling and challenging are polar opposites. You cannot have these two energies in the same space. If you feel challenged while you are channeling, you are defeating the purpose of channeling in the first place. Easy for you to say. Openness and ease is what channeling is. If you are not in a state of total openness, if you are at all tightened up on any level of being, you will not have the capacity to flow divine truths. You must be the energy you desire to see. You see? I see. All I know is that I keep... Trying? Yes. I am laughing now because this is so true. The more I tried to channel, the more tired I became. And after having spent an entire day trying to get your message on paper, I ended up "accidentally" erasing it. My computer wouldn't save what I had written. I lost every single word. And, then, I got the message I was meant to get...that I was the reason that channeling had become challenging. Exactly. I wasn't upset, just disappointed, because I had been to this place many times before. I remember when we were writing Spirit Unbound together, how my computer screen would suddenly go black whenever I tried to interpret what I didn't fully understand. And, then, if I persisted on trying to figure things out, my computer would overheat and shut down. As a result, I ended up losing pages and pages of material, on purpose. Trying. Tiring. Yes. Let's look at the second message that chose you. "When we look at life through Spirit's eyes, LOVE is all we see." What do you see? A LOVE lesson. You are learning. I am learning. |